Publications - Electron Microscopy
Talukder, M. B., Müller, C. H. G., Zhang, D. D., Schulz, S., Löfstedt, C., Wang, H. L. & Uhl, G. B. (2025). Olfaction with legs-Spiders use wall-pore sensilla for pheromone detection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 122(3): e2415468121
Beirow, K., Schmidt, C., Jürgen, B., Schlüter, R., Schweder, T. & Bednarski, P. J. (2024). Investigation of TGF-α-overexpressing mouse hepatocytes (TAMH) cultured as spheroids for use in hepatotoxicity screening of drug candidates. J. Appl. Toxicol. 44(2): 272-286
Gonzalez, J. J. I., Hossain, M. F., Neef, J., Zwack, E. E., Tsai, C. M., Raafat, D., Fechtner, K., Herzog, L., Kohler, T. P., Schlüter, R., Reder, A., Holtfreter, S., Liu, G. Y., Hammerschmidt, S., Völker, U., Torres, V. J., van Dijl, J. M., Lillig, C. H., Bröker, B. M. & Darisipudi, M. N. (2024). TLR4 sensing of IsdB of Staphylococcus aureus induces a proinflammatory cytokine response via the NLRP3-caspase-1 inflammasome cascade. mBio 15(1): e0022523
Haude, S., Matthes, R., Pitchika, V., Holtfreter, B., Schlüter, R., Gerling, T., Kocher, T. & Jablonowski, L. (2024). In-vitro biofilm removal from TiUnite® implant surface with an air polishing and two different plasma devices. BMC Oral Health 24(1): 558
Huber, B. A., Meng, G., Dederichs, T. M., Michalik, P., Forman, M. & Král, J. (2024). Castaways: the Leeward Antilles endemic spider genus Papiamenta (Araneae: Pholcidae). Invertebr. Syst. 38
Jani, M., Ramírez, M. & Wolff, J. (2024). Methods to identify silk gland activation patterns in spider spinning behaviours. J. Arachnol. in press
Leyden, M. R., Michalik, P., Baruffaldi, L., Mahmood, S., Kalani, L., Hunt, D. F., Eirin-Lopez, J. M., Andrade, M. C. B., Shabanowitz, J. & Ausió, J. (2024). The protamines of the spider Steatoda sp. provide an example of liquid-liquid phase separation chromatin transitions during spermiogenesis. Development 151(22)
Lloyd, S. J., Leontyev, D., Vigus, P. & Schnittler, M. (2024). Repent for Alwisia repens: emended descriptions of two species of Alwisia (Myxomycetes) thought to lack a capillitium. Phytotaxa 634(3): 289-300
Lloyd, S. J., Leontyev, D. V., Moreno, G., Villalba, Á. L. & Schnittler, M. (2024). Tasmaniomyxa umbilicata, a new genus and new species of myxomycete from Tasmania. Mycol. 116(1): 170-183
Müller, J. U., Schwabe, M., Swiatek, L. S., Heiden, S. E., Schlüter, R., Sittner, M., Bohnert, J. A., Becker, K., Idelevich, E. A., Guenther, S., Eger, E. & Schaufler, K. (2024). Temperatures above 37°C increase virulence of a convergent Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 307 strain. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 14: 1411286
Schröder, O., Schächinger, P. M., Bouchet, P. & Haase, M. (2024). A new genus and species of spring snails (Caenogastropoda, Tateidae) from the ultramafic South of New Caledonia. Eur. J. Taxon. 968(1): 275-294
Schweitzer, L., Schoon, J., Bläß, N., Huesker, K., Neufend, J. V., Siemens, N., Bekeschus, S., Schlüter, R., Schneider, P., Uhlmann, E., Wassilew, G. & Schulze, F. (2024). Ultraviolet laser induced periodic surface structures positively influence osteogenic activity on titanium alloys. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 12: 1462232
Bollatti, F., Dederichs, T. M., Peretti, A. V., Laborda, Á., Postiglioni, R., Aisenberg, A. & Michalik, P. (2023). Reproductive diapause influences spermatogenesis and testes’ size in the diplochronous wolf spider Allocosa senex (Lycosidae, Araneae) – A case study using a non-experimental approach. Zoology 159: 126103
Buchmann, D., Schwabe, M., Weiss, R., Kuss, A. W., Schaufler, K., Schlüter, R., Rodiger, S., Guenther, S. & Schultze, N. (2023). Natural phenolic compounds as biofilm inhibitors of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli - the role of similar biological processes despite structural diversity. Front. Microbiol. 14: 1232039-1232039
Haase, M., von Rintelen, T., Harting, B., Marwoto, R. & Glaubrecht, M. (2023). New species from a ‘lost world’: Sulawesidrobia (Caenogastropoda, Tateidae) from ancient Lake Matano, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Eur. J. Taxon. 864(1): 77–103
Leontyev, D., Buttgereit, M., Kochergina, A., Shchepin, O. & Schnittler, M. (2023). Two independent genetic markers support separation of the myxomycete Lycogala epidendrum into numerous biological species. Mycol. 115(1): 32-43
Matthes, R., Jablonowski, L., Miebach, L., Pitchika, V., Holtfreter, B., Eberhard, C., Seifert, L., Gerling, T., Schlüter, R., Kocher, T. & Bekeschus, S. (2023). In-Vitro biofilm removal efficacy using water jet in combination with cold plasma technology on dental titanium implants. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(2)
Sombke, A. & Müller, C. H. G. (2023). The Visual System of Myriapoda. In: E. Buschbeck & M. Bok (Eds.) Distributed Vision: From Simple Sensors to Sophisticated Combination Eyes. pp. 169-203. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Cover Cell Host & Microbe
Volume 31, Issue 5, May 2023
On the cover: The enteropathogen Clostridioides difficile is a major cause of healthcare-associated diarrhea. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Bublitz et al. (734–750) investigate the antimicrobial effect of the natural product chlorotonil A on C. difficile using swine and mouse models. Chlorotonil A prevents relapsing disease, has mild effects on the microbiota composition, and inhibits vegetative outgrowth from spores. Also in this issue are two reviews from Kao and colleagues (695–711) and Ianiro and colleagues (712–733) that discuss the mechanisms of and key factors for FMT success against C. difficile infection, respectively.
The cover (overlay of two photos) shows the interaction of flagellated C. difficile cells with host epithelial cells as a key step in gut colonization. Image credit: Cells were provided by Nicole Metzendorf from the Department of Microbial Physiology and Molecular Biology, Institute of Microbiology, and imaged by Rabea Schlüter, Imaging Center of the Department of Biology, University of Greifswald, Germany; acknowledgement to Stefan Bock for technical assistance. The image was designed by Marcus Pfau from the Institute of Molecular Pathogenesis at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute in Jena, Germany.
Brauer, M., Hotop, S. K., Wurster, M., Herrmann, J., Miethke, M., Schlüter, R., Dittmann, S., Zühlke, D., Brönstrup, M., Lalk, M., Müller, R., Sievers, S., Bernhardt, J. & Riedel, K. (2022). Clostridioides difficile modifies its aromatic compound metabolism in response to amidochelocardin-induced membrane stress. mSphere: e0030222
Kamionka, J., Matthes, R., Holtfreter, B., Pink, C., Schlüter, R., von Woedtke, T., Kocher, T. & Jablonowski, L. (2022). Efficiency of cold atmospheric plasma, cleaning powders and their combination for biofilm removal on two different titanium implant surfaces. Clin Oral Investig. doi: 10.1007/s00784-021-04300-0. Online ahead of print.
Kroniger, T., Flender, D., Schlüter, R., Köllner, B., Trautwein-Schult, A. & Becher, D. (2022). Proteome analysis of the Gram-positive fish pathogen Renibacterium salmoninarum reveals putative role of membrane vesicles in virulence. Sci. Rep. 12(1): 3003-3003
Kroniger, T., Mehanny, M., Schlüter, R., Trautwein-Schult, A., Köllner, B. & Becher, D. (2022). Effect of iron limitation, elevated temperature, and florfenicol on the proteome and vesiculation of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida. Microorganisms 10(9): 1735
Matthes, R., Jablonowski, L., Pitchika, V., Holtfreter, B., Eberhard, C., Seifert, L., Gerling, T., Vilardell Scholten, L., Schlüter, R. & Kocher, T. (2022). Efficiency of biofilm removal by combination of water jet and cold plasma: an in-vitro study. BMC Oral Health 22(1): 157
Meene, A., Herzer, C., Schlüter, R., Zayadan, B., Pukall, R., Schumann, P., Schauer, F., Urich, T. & Mikolasch, A. (2022). A novel antimicrobial metabolite produced by Paenibacillus apiarius isolated from brackish water of Lake Balkhash in Kazakhstan. Microorganisms 10(8): 1519
Meesaragandla, B., Komaragiri, Y., Schlüter, R., Otto, O. & Delcea, M. (2022). The impact of cell culture media on the interaction of biopolymer-functionalized gold nanoparticles with cells: mechanical and toxicological properties. Sci. Rep. 12(1)
Metzendorf, N. G., Lange, L. M., Lainer, N., Schlüter, R., Dittmann, S., Paul, L.-S., Troitzsch, D. & Sievers, S. (2022). Destination and specific impact of different bile acids in the intestinal pathogen Clostridioides difficile. Front. Microbiol. 13: 814692
Artelt, N., Ritter, A. M., Leitermann, L., Kliewe, F., Schlüter, R., Simm, S., van den Brandt, J., Endlich, K. & Endlich, N. (2021). The podocyte-specific knockout of palladin in mice with a 129 genetic background affects podocyte morphology and the expression of palladin interacting proteins. PloS ONE 16(12): e0260878-e0260878
Dürwald, A., Zühlke, M. K., Schlüter, R., Gebbe, R., Bartosik, D., Unfried, F., Becher, D. & Schweder, T. (2021). Reaching out in anticipation: bacterial membrane extensions represent a permanent investment in polysaccharide sensing and utilization. Environ. Microbiol. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15537. Online ahead of print.
Harting, R., Starke, J., Kusch, H., Pöggeler, S., Maurus, I., Schlüter, R., Landesfeind, M., Bulla, I., Nowrousian, M., de Jonge, R., Stahlhut, G., Hoff, K. J., Aßhauer, K. P., Thürmer, A., Stanke, M., Daniel, R., Morgenstern, B., Thomma, B. P. H. J., Kronstad, J. W., Braus-Stromeyer, S. A. & Braus, G. H. (2021). A 20-kb lineage-specific genomic region tames virulence in pathogenic amphidiploid Verticillium longisporum. Molecular Plant Pathology.
Hinzke, T., Kleiner, M., Meister, M., Schlüter, R., Hentschker, C., Pane-Farre, J., Hildebrandt, P., Felbeck, H., Sievert, S. M., Bonn, F., Völker, U., Becher, D., Schweder, T. & Markert, S. (2021). Bacterial symbiont subpopulations have different roles in a deep-sea symbiosis. Elife 10. Article Number: e58371
Krieger, J., Hoernig, M. K., Kenning, M., Hansson, B. S. & Harzsch, S. (2021). More than one way to smell ashore-Evolution of the olfactory pathway in terrestrial malacostracan crustaceans. Arthropod. Struct. Dev. 60: :101022
Maass, S., Bartel, J., Mücke, P. A., Schlüter, R., Sura, T., Zaschke-Kriesche, J., Smits, S. H. J. & Becher, D. (2021). Proteomic adaptation of Clostridioides difficile to treatment with the antimicrobial peptide nisin. Cells 10(2). Article Number: 372
Sombke, A. & Müller, C. H. G. (2021). When SEM becomes a deceptive tool of analysis: the unexpected discovery of epidermal glands with stalked ducts on the ultimate legs of geophilomorph centipedes. Front. Zool. 18(1): 17
Sombke, A., Rosenberg, J., Hilken, G. & Müller, C. H. G. (2021). The antennal scape organ of Scutigera coleoptrata (Myriapoda) and a new type of arthropod tip-pore sensilla integrating scolopidial components. Front. Zool. 18(1): 57
Dittmar, D., Reder, A., Schlüter, R., Riedel, K., Hecker, M. & Gerth, U. (2020). Complementation studies with human ClpP in Bacillus subtilis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta Mol. Cell Res. 1867(9): 118744
Harting, R., Höfer, A., Tran, V. T., Weinhold, L. M., Barghahn, S., Schlüter, R. & Braus, G. H. (2020). The Vta1 transcriptional regulator is required for microsclerotia melanization in Verticillium dahliae. Fungal Biol. 124(5): 490-500
Kerlikowski, A., Matthes, R., Pink, C., Steffen, H., Schlüter, R., Holtfreter, B., Weltmann, K.-D., von Woedtke, T., Kocher, T. & Jablonowski, L. (2020). Effects of cold atmospheric pressure plasma and disinfecting agents on Candida albicans in root canals of extracted human teeth. J. Biophotonics. Article Number: e202000221
Leonard, A., Mohlis, K., Schlüter, R., Taylor, E., Lalk, M. & Methling, K. (2020). Exploring metabolic adaptation of Streptococcus pneumoniae to antibiotics. J. Antibiot.DOI: 10.1038/s41429-020-0296-3
Müller, C. H. G., Ganske, A.-S. & Uhl, G. (2020). Ultrastructure of chemosensory tarsal tip-pore sensilla of Argiope spp. Audouin, 1826 (Chelicerata: Araneae: Araneidae). J. Morphol. DOI:10.1002/jmor.21276
Petersen, I., Schlüter, R., Hoff, K. J., Liebscher, V., Bange, G., Riedel, K. & Pane-Farre, J. (2020). Non-invasive and label-free 3D-visualization shows in vivo oligomerization of the staphylococcal alkaline shock protein 23 (Asp23). Sci. Rep. 10(1): 125
Ponnudurai, R., Heiden, S. E., Sayavedra, L., Hinzke, T., Kleiner, M., Hentschker, C., Felbeck, H., Sievert, S. M., Schlüter, R., Becher, D., Schweder, T. & Markert, S. (2020). Comparative proteomics of related symbiotic mussel species reveals high variability of host-symbiont interactions. ISME J. 14(2): 649-656
Troppens, D. M., Köhler, A. M., Schlüter, R., Hoppert, M., Gerke, J. & Braus, G. H. (2020). Hülle cells of Aspergillus nidulans with nuclear storage and developmental backup functions are reminiscent of multipotent stem cells. mBio 11(4): e01673-01620

Nature Reviews Cover Image Competition 2020
Volume 17 Issue 1, January 2020
The cover shows aggregated platelets in a fibrinogen matrix imaged by scanning electron microscopy. Image: Rabea Schlüter, University of Greifswald, Germany; Lisa Maletzki and Raila Busch, University Medicine Greifswald, Germany; acknowledgement to Stefan Bock for technical assistance. Cover design: Vicky Summersby.
Bui, T. T., Harting, R., Braus-Stromeyer, S. A., Tran, V. T., Leonard, M., Hofer, A., Abelmann, A., Bakti, F., Valerius, O., Schlüter, R., Stanley, C. E., Ambrosio, A. & Braus, G. H. (2019). Verticillium dahliae transcription factors Som1 and Vta3 control microsclerotia formation and sequential steps of plant root penetration and colonisation to induce disease. New Phytol. 221(4): 2138-2159
Dolata, K. M., Montero, I. G., Miller, W., Sievers, S., Sura, T., Wolff, C., Schlüter, R., Riedel, K. & Robinson, C. (2019). Far-reaching cellular consequences of tat deletion in Escherichia coli revealed by comprehensive proteome analyses. Microbiol. Res. 218: 97-107
Hinzke, T., Kleiner, M., Breusing, C., Felbeck, H., Hasler, R., Sievert, S. M., Schlüter, R., Rosenstiel, P., Reusch, T. B. H., Schweder, T. & Markert, S. (2019). Host-microbe interactions in the chemosynthetic Riftia pachyptila symbiosis. Mbio 10(6). e02243-19
Kenning, M., Schendel, V., Müller, C. H. G. & Sombke, A. (2019). Comparative morphology of ultimate and walking legs in the centipede Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda) with functional implications. Zoological Lett 5: 3
Küpper, S. C., Klass, K. D., Uhl, G. & Eberhard, M. J. B. (2019). Comparative morphology of the internal female genitalia in two species of Mantophasmatodea. Zoomorphology 138(1): 73-83
Lin, S. W., Lopardo, L., Haase, M. & Uhl, G. (2019). Taxonomic revision of the dwarf spider genus Shaanxinus Tanasevitch, 2006 (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae), with new species from Taiwan and Vietnam. Org. Divers. Evol. 19(2): 211-276
Lukowski, G., Weihe, T., Kohnlein, J., Schlüter, R., Schultze, N., Quade, A., Wendler, C., Rackow, K., Dittrich, A., Werner, S., Ehlbeck, J. & Weltmann, K. D. (2019). Renewable nano-structured coatings on medical devices prevent the transmission of clinically relevant pathogens. Surface & Coatings Technology 366: 227-237
Montero, I. G., Dolata, K. M., Schlüter, R., Malherbe, G., Sievers, S., Zuhlke, D., Sura, T., Dave, E., Riedel, K. & Robinson, C. (2019). Comparative proteome analysis in an Escherichia coli CyDisCo strain identifies stress responses related to protein production, oxidative stress and accumulation of misfolded protein. Microb. Cell Fact. 18: 19
Sievers, S., Metzendorf, N. G., Dittmann, S., Troitzsch, D., Gast, V., Tröger, S. M., Wolff, C., Zühlke, D., Hirschfeld, C., Schlüter, R. & Riedel, K. (2019). Differential view on the bile acid stress response of Clostridioides difficile. Front. Microbiol. 10(258)

Nature Reviews Cover Image Competition 2019
Volume 15 Issue 4, April 2019
Interdigitating foot processes of podocytes attached to glomerular capillaries, imaged by scanning electron microscopy, and provided by Nadine Artelt, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Rabea Schlüter, Imaging Center of the Department of Biology, University Medicine and University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.
Artelt, N., Siegerist, F., Ritter, A. M., Grisk, O., Schlüter, R., Endlich, K. & Endlich, N. (2018). Comparative analysis of podocyte foot process morphology in three species by 3D super-resolution microscopy. Front. Med. 5(292). DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00292
Dosdall, R., Preuss, F., Hahn, V., Schlüter, R. & Schauer, F. (2018). Decay of the water reed Phragmites communis caused by the white-rot fungus Phlebia tremellosa and the influence of some environmental factors. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 102(1): 345-354
Ganske, A. S. & Uhl, G. (2018). The sensory equipment of a spider - A morphological survey of different types of sensillum in both sexes of Argiope bruennichi (Araneae, Araneidae). Arthropod. Struct. Dev. 47(2): 144-161
Aurich, K., Wesche, J., Palankar, R., Schlüter, R., Bakchoul, T. & Greinacher, A. (2017). Magnetic nanoparticle labeling of human platelets from platelet concentrates for recovery and survival studies. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b10113
Dagamac, N. H. A., Rojas, C., Novozhilov, Y. K., Moreno, G. H., Schlueter, R. & Schnittler, M. (2017). Speciation in progress? A phylogeographic study among populations of Hemitrichia serpula (Myxomycetes). PloS ONE 12(4)
Hufner, A., Steffen, H., Holtfreter, B., Schlüter, R., Duske, K., Matthes, R., von Woedtke, T., Weltmann, K. D., Kocher, T. & Jablonowski, L. (2017). Effects of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma and sodium hypochlorite solution on Enterococcus faecalis biofilm: An investigation in extracted teeth. Plasma Process. Polym. 14(3)
Jablonowski, L., Fricke, K., Matthes, R., Holtfreter, B., Schlüter, R., von Woedtke, T., Weltmann, K. D. & Kocher, T. (2017). Removal of naturally grown human biofilm with an atmospheric pressure plasma jet: An in-vitro study. J. Biophotonics 10(5): 718-726
Kindt, F., Hammer, E., Kemnitz, S., Blumenthal, A., Klemm, P., Schlüter, R., Quaggin, S. E., van den Brandt, J., Fuellen, G., Volker, U., Endlich, K. & Endlich, N. (2017). A novel assay to assess the effect of pharmaceutical compounds on the differentiation of podocytes. Br. J. Pharmacol. 174(2): 163-176
Lange, T., Stracke, S., Rettig, R., Lendeckel, U., Kuhn, J., Schlüter, R., Rippe, V., Endlich, K. & Endlich, N. (2017). Identification of miR-16 as an endogenous reference gene for the normalization of urinary exosomal miRNA expression data from CKD patients. PloS ONE 12(8): e0183435
Matthes, R., Duske, K., Kebede, T., Pink, C., Schlüter, R., von Woedtke, T., Weltmann, K. D., Kocher, T. & Jablonowski, L. (2017). Osteoblast growth after cleaning of biofilm covered titanium discs with air-polishing and cold plasma. J. Clin. Periodontol.
Müller, M., Schlüter, R. & Krey, K.-F. (2017). In-vivo characteristics of metallic arch wires in orthodontics. Int. Poster J. Dent. Oral Med. 19(2): Poster 1124
Ponnudurai, R., Sayavedra, L., Kleiner, M., Heiden, S. E., Thurmer, A., Felbeck, H., Schlüter, R., Sievert, S. M., Daniel, R., Schweder, T. & Markert, S. (2017). Genome sequence of the sulfur-oxidizing Bathymodiolus thermophilus gill endosymbiont. Stand Genomic Sci 12: 50
Schultz, D., Schlüter, R., Gerth, U. & Lalk, M. (2017). Metabolic perturbations in a Bacillus subtilis clpP mutant during glucose starvation. Metabolites 7(4). DOI 10.3390/metabo7040063
Sentenska, L., Müller, C. H. G., Pekar, S. & Uhl, G. (2017). Neurons and a sensory organ in the pedipalps of male spiders reveal that it is not a numb structure. Sci. Rep. 7
Alberti, G., Kanarek, G. & Dabert, J. (2016). Unusual way of feeding by the deutonymph of Neottialges evansi (Actinotrichida, Astigmata, Hypoderatidae), a subcutaneous parasite of cormorants, revealed by fine structural analyses. J. Morphol. 277(10): 1368-1389
Alberti, G., Krantz, G. W. & Makarova, O. L. (2016). Fine structure of the male genital system in mites of the family Arctacaridae (Gamasida). ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ (Zoological Journal) 95: 1029-1052
Alberti, G. & Moreno Twose, A. I. (2016). Fine structural observations of the erectile setae and dermal glands on the notogaster of Heterochthonius gibbus (Oribatida, Enarthronota, Heterochthoniidae). Soil Org. 88: 111-132
Alberti, G. & Moreno Twose, A. I. (2016). Fine structure of the trichobothrium of Heterochthonius gibbus (Oribatida, Enarthronota, Heterochthoniidae) with remarks on adjacent setae. Soil Org. 88: 99-110
Banaschik, R., Burchhardt, G., Zocher, K., Hammerschmidt, S., Kolb, J. F. & Weltmann, K. D. (2016). Comparison of pulsed corona plasma and pulsed electric fields for the decontamination of water containing Legionella pneumophila as model organism. Bioelectrochemistry 112: 83-90
Bonn, F., Pane-Farre, J., Schlüter, R., Schaffer, M., Fuchs, S., Bernhardt, J., Riedel, K., Otto, A., Volker, U., van Dijl, J. M., Hecker, M., Mader, U. & Becher, D. (2016). Global analysis of the impact of linezolid onto virulence factor production in S. aureus USA300. Int J Med Microbiol 306(3): 131-140
Hüfner, A., Steffen, H., Holtfreter, B., Schlüter, R., Duske, K., Matthes, R., von Woedtke, T., Weltmann, K. D., Kocher, T. & Jablonowski, L. (2016). Effects of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma and sodium hypochlorite solution on Enterococcus faecalis Biofilm: An investigation in extracted teeth. Plasma Process. Polym. DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201600064
Rauschenberger, L., Staar, D., Thom, K., Scharf, C., Venz, S., Homuth, G., Schlüter, R., Brandenburg, L. O., Ziegler, P., Zimmermann, U., Weitschies, W., Volker, U., Lendeckel, U., Walther, R., Burchardt, M. & Stope, M. B. (2016). Exosomal particles secreted by prostate cancer cells are potent mRNA and protein vehicles for the interference of tumor and tumor environment. Prostate 76(4): 409-424
Alberti, G. & Ehrnsberger, R. (2015). Fine structure of the male genital system of the predatory mite Rhagidia halophila (Rhagidiidae, Prostigmata, Actinotrichida). J. Morphol. 276(7): 832-859
Alberti, G. & Palacios-Vargas, J. G. (2015). Fine structure of the ovary of Schizomus palaciosi (Arachnida: Schizomida). Soil Org. 87: 153-168
Brack, C., Mikolasch, A., Schlueter, R., Otto, A., Becher, D., Wegner, U., Albrecht, D., Riedel, K. & Schauer, F. (2015). Antibacterial metabolites and bacteriolytic enzymes produced by Bacillus pumilus during bacteriolysis of Arthrobacter citreus. Marine Biotechnology 17(3): 290-304
Di Palma, A., de Moraes, G. J., Gerdeman, B. S., Huber, S., Kitajima, E. W. & Alberti, G. (2015). Ultrastructural and functional adaptations of the female reproductive system in the family Heterozerconidae (Acari, Anactinotrichida, Gamasida, Heterozerconina) and implications for the systematic position of the group. Arthropod. Struct. Dev. 44(6): 639-655
Hädicke, C. W., Blank, S. M., Pohl, H., Müller, C. H. G. & Sombke, A. (2015). Sensing the world without antennae and eyes: external structure and distribution of sensilla in Eosentomon pinetorum Szeptycki, 1984 and on the protarsus of Acerentomon franzi Nosek, 1965 (Hexapoda: Protura). Soil Org. 87: 29-49
Harzsch, S., Perez, Y. & Müller, C. H. G. (2015). The nervous system of Chaetognatha In: A. Schmidt-Rhaesa, S. Harzsch & G. Purschke (Eds.) Structure and Evolution of Invertebrate Nervous Systems. pp. 652-664. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York.
Kunz, K., Witthuhn, M. & Uhl, G. (2015). Paired and complex copulatory organs: do they really impede flexible use? J. Zool. 297(4): 278-285
Lipke, E., Hammel, J. U. & Michalik, P. (2015). First evidence of neurons in the male copulatory organ of a spider (Arachnida, Araneae). Biol. Lett. 11(7)
Lipke, E. & Michalik, P. (2015). Evolutionary morphology of the primary male reproductive system and spermatozoa of Goblin spiders (Oonopidae; Araneae) Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist.(396): 1-72
Matthes, R., Jablonowski, L., Koban, I., Quade, A., Hubner, N. O., Schlueter, R., Weltmann, K. D., von Woedtke, T., Kramer, A. & Kocher, T. (2015). In vitro treatment of Candida albicans biofilms on denture base material with volume dielectric barrier discharge plasma (VDBD) compared with common chemical antiseptics. Clinical Oral Investigations 19(9): 2319-2326
Moche, M., Schluter, R., Bernhardt, J., Plate, K., Riedel, K., Hecker, M. & Becher, D. (2015). Time-resolved analysis of cytosolic and surface-associated proteins of Staphylococcus aureus HG001 under planktonic and biofilm conditions. J. Proteome Res. 14(9): 3804-3822
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